
jueves, noviembre 11, 2004

PS Sometimes I feel SO Lonely!!

How stupid of me!

Boredom and Wanderlust

The time has come, the Walrus said...
... oh yes, the time has certainly come again. After the long hours sitting at home by myself on that long weekend (not that I didn't enjoy it), I came to a certain conclusion. A longing was awakened and then made even more acute a few days ago when my sister's Canadian photos danced before my eyes.
There is no one word which I could use to define myself. My moods and soul colors are many, and sometimes when someone asks "How are you?" I actually have to stop and ask the many millions of me's inside myself to check. (Of course, during regular human exchanges, I go for the easy way out and say "Fine!"). However, one of the things that has certainly defined me has always been a deep-set desire to travel, see the world, change the scenery around me. It might be that I have read to many books and seen too many movies, and that I therefore expect that the only life worth leading is the one surrounded by magnificent landscapes, interesting sights, postcard moments. It might be so; certainly chaotic Mexico City is not such a place (or rather, although it does have the above, one rarely notices, since there is also traffic, pollution, stress, and other factors which prevent their enjoyment. They are also few and far between.). And one would think that Romanticism was a thing of the 19th century!
The conclusion was that, although I like what I do, love my home and have favorite places, I am not satisfied with my life as it is right now. It has only been 3 months since I came back from Europe and already I want more, preferably in the form of a few months spent abroad. The restlessness is back. Work, dance, studies all seem quite useless. January will be a change but not a full one... I just need something to look forward to, and perhaps, too, I need to escape.

"Fortune, smile once more, turn thy wheel."

lunes, noviembre 01, 2004

Los días sobrenaturales

¡Qué rico! AMO las vacaciones. Finally catching up on my sleep.

"We feel cold, but we don't mind it, because we will not come to harm. And if we wrapped up against the cold, we wouldn't feel other things, like the bright tingle of the stars, or the music of the Aurora, or best of all the silky feeling of moonlight on our skin. It's worth being cold for that."
(Seriously considering eliminating sweaters and blankets from my life now...)
Success!!! El Encuentro Interdisciplinario sobre Brujas fue un éxito. Thanks, Charlie, for giving me a chance to be in it!

Y ahora, celebrando el otoño:

the glory is fallen out of
the sky the last immortal
dead and the gold
a formal spasm
in the

this is the passing of all shining things
therefore we also

into receptive
earth,O let

shimmering wind
these fragile splendors from
us crumple them hide

them in thy breath drive
them in nothingness
for we
would sleep

this is the passing of all shining things
no lingering no backward-
wondering be unto
us O

soul,but straight
glad feet fearruining
and glorygirded

lead us
into the


e.e.cummings, from Tulips & Chimneys

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