
martes, febrero 24, 2004

Mardi Gras

Weather report: misty, slight rain.

Not much to say, given my state of mind. Just realized today is the last day of Carnival. Incidentally, a GREAT day to finish my dissertation (Hope I do!).
In any case, this seems to go unnoticed here. There was a ceremony in school today. The reason: to pledge allegiance to the flag. Hmmmmmm. "A la nación independiente, humana y generosa a la que entregamos nuestra existencia." Not that I am against this. I love my country. I just doubt how independent, humane and generous it is. And I don't like to swear oaths just like that. I would not use one for the nation, I'm afraid. I would swear to be faithful to love, to life, to beauty... But this is not the point.
What I want to celebrate today is that, despite the stormy weather I'm experiencing (as Linus Van Pelt says, "How sharper than a serpent's tooth is a sister's Bleah!"), people have been here for me, cheering me up. Special thanks to the Hollow Kid and his advice, the Silent Singer for a glittery lollipop letter, and to the boy with the name of a sultan, to whom I owe not one but TWO cheer-up poems. Here goes one:

Mysty Sea

The sun might be appearing
shining and purple
But still it doesn't mean
That your heart has to be
Drowned in the bottom
Of Mysty Sea.

That's why diamond stars
Are always watching gladly
That's why hopeful friends
Are there to care 'bout your journey
And that's when kindred spirits
Will be there to catch you and hug you;
And to heal your soul from
The mighty Dragon's Wounds.

Thank you for reminding me that people still care, despite any disasters that might tumble on one very tiny insignificant me.

Oh that I could just escape for a while...


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