
domingo, abril 23, 2006

La La La

Well, the first thing I discovered during the holidays that "a lot of free time" does not translate into effective working hours. Of course, I AM getting more work done, but still, once again, I would like to have double-days to get things done more quickly. Writing is a completely self-conscious activity for me; the more I learn, the more I feel like I cannot possibly be worthy of joining the ranks of the Great, or even the ranks of the Good. All this of course, is accentuated by my overly demanding plans; I always think I can do something in 2 hours and when it takes longer I feel like a failure. Really, I don't know how I can be so overconfident and so scared at the same time.
I have, however, been enjoying my new schedule, which involves quite a few hours of writing at home, at least ideally. I have also discovered that talking about music is very dangerous; all in all, I am learning to shut my mouth when someone says something like "Luis Miguel is the greatest Mexican artist". They just wouldn't care for what I would say back to them, and I would never convince them otherwise. (Ouch! and Yuk!) This is not good at all. If, when I was a teenager, I used to feel as if I was actually an alien species, unable to enjoy what others enjoyed (such as going to an 'antro'--which I have learned to enjoy on occasion, depending on who's with me and how much I am able to tolerate the music and how much I really wanted to dress up), I find that now, as an 'intellectual' (whatever that may be) I see that I definitely am speaking a language that most people here don't speak. So yes, I am some sort of freak but I wouldn't change if I was given the choice and a million dollars to do it. Most people bore me to death (and no, I am probably no better than them, and yes, I know I probably bore them too). Thank god for friends! I am thankful that there are people I can really talk to and have fun with, since laughing is one of my favorite pastimes. (I am afraid, though, that I am starting to grow apart from my family. Will the time come when we have nothing to talk of? I really hope not.)
Pfft!! Sigh.

P.S. I have forgotten return a library book due Feb 20. Now that I remember that it was due a million years ago, I am afraid to return it. I'm sure those librarians will want to cut off my toes or something. Never mind the fine: the shame!

A mi siempre me pasó lo mismo, mientras mis amigas morían por Chayanne yo moría por otras cosas, y si, uno se siente como un extraterrestre. Yo pensé que eso se me iba a pasar pero afortunadamente he conocido a más gente como yo. Moraleja: no estamos solos.
Tengo tu catálogo de Gothic Nightmares. Nos vemos en la fac para que te lo dé?
Wahoo!! Sí, finalmente la respuesta no es ser "normal" sino hacer una bonita colonia extraterrestre.

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