
domingo, julio 30, 2006

I'm back!!!!

[Muchas gracias a quienes han comentado y nos desearon buen viaje.]

This is downtime, in so many ways. The trip was wonderful and fun and complicated and unexpected and exhausting and exciting... and after being on my feet, in the air and underground for so long my soul is having a hard time catching up with my body, which is currently lying in bed and typing. It takes longer for the spirit to land; and, despite the joy of seeing family and friends again, there is no denying that while it slowly floats down it takes on a shade of blue.

WHAT NOW??? is the question.

And I can't believe what people do to the world every day. Are we really no better than this? Squabbling over land, oil, power, beliefs? It is SO depressing to read the news.

I leave you now with some photos (in no particular order) that are less than a month old but already feel "long ago and far away", what with the gray skies (both literal and metaphorical), and the cold.

i'm glad you're back. Saludos
Que bueno que el viaje estuvo tan padre!
Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Te mando muchos besos y nos vemos en algún momento de agosto, ahora sí para la despedida despedida y para que te de tu libro (cuestión que me tiene muy preocupada porque odio cuando alguien se queda con mis libros, por lo tanto no quiero convertirme en uno de esos entes)
Ya nos llegó el momento de regresar a la realidad la del país, del mundo y la tesística.

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