
miércoles, diciembre 27, 2006

Christmas cheer and all that...

Hey!! I know I've sort of abandoned you but I swear, I was busy doing really really important stuff, mostly work.
(yeah right) (ok... actually, I was rather enjoying my so-called social life, seeing people I see often, people I don't see often but should, people I haven't seen in a long time, etc. And I STILL haven't got around to seeing all of the people I have agreed to see--if you are one of those, believe me, I want to and I fully intend to!) So it's been a crazy month. A few notes:

1. Scarf City
I really mean this in both senses. I have been eating practically nonstop for... I think a week now, although it actually began earlier. All sorts of sweet stuff and salty stuff (mostly cheese, but also other really delicious stuff) have been consumed. This is the first time I feel a bit guilty about it, even if my mother has been saying that I need to eat more because I look "wan" (the Spanish word she actually used is a lot less poetic). I think, though, that she meant that I need to eat _better_, and vegetables and fruit were not exactly at the top of my scarfing list. Scarves were the top present this year, with a record of 3 received (all very nice ones by the way) and 3 given. I will now be a snow bunny wearing perfect winter accessories, at least for a little while.

2. The Reading List
So far, I have only reread a few favorites (some, like the Catcher in the Rye, thanks to my blogging neighbors), and only read one new book. As for TV though, been watching movies (some of them, as my Embassy friends will tell you, were not worth watching after 20 minutes) and, lately, TV shows. So I have not only ruined my appetite, but I have also been "rotting my brain" watching Animaniacs and Rome. Fortunately, for us English-lit-cultural-studies-people, watching TV is actually part of the job description! Yay! Also, got back a book I lent about a year ago (which by the way was never read! harumph). At least now it's mine again.

3. Time
When I logged in, this thing actually called me and "Old" blogger. Gee, thanks. Time has gone by quite fast, especially the holiday part (which was WAY TOO SHORT!). And of course, there's been trouble, such as the fact that I highly resent the fact that I was forced to relinquish some of my freedom to dispose of that time by family obligations and lack of own car (I just remembered it needs to be serviced! Rats!). This is not to say, of course, that I didn't enjoy my time with the family same-olds. You know how you can really love those people and at the same time get annoyed by them for all those little things...

4. The Question
"So, when are you getting married?" has been in the air... (what?? how can I possibly be so old as to be getting that question??? I really CANNOT believe I'm 27. I feel, and I hope look, much younger--but 30 starting to loom in the distance like the Ghost of Christmas Future). Scary question of future that makes me want to run away and hide somewhere. Apart from anything else, it is such a PRIVATE question to me, although I realize now that that is not the case at all... Anyway, I refuse to discuss it any further here.

5. Work
It's back to work for me tomorrow. Feel a bit like Bridget Jones:

"Ugh. Cannot face thought of going to work [...]. It seems wrong and unfair that Christmas, with its stressful and unmanageable financial and emotional challenges, should first be forced upon one wholly against one's will, then rudely snatched away just when one is starting to get into it. Was really beginning to enjoy the feeling that normal service was suspended and it was OK to lie in bed as long as you want, put anything you fancy into your mouth, and drink alcohol whenever it should chance to pass your way, even in the mornings. Now suddenly we are all forced to snap into self-discipline like lean teenage greyhounds."

6. Music
Got a lovely pink iPod nano... haven't used it yet...

7. Love
Finally, I send you all my warmest love and holiday cheer!!! Big hugs all around!

felicidades para vos también, gabi. olvidé decirte que el número de serie del ipod se da de alta cuando lo instalas en tu computadora y te pide que registres el aparato, así que es importante que lo hagas.

Lo que uno se llega a encontrar. . .

"Desde Seaham, adonde habían viajado a finales de enero y donde Byron pasó su cumpleaños veintisiete, escribió a Tom Moore: 'Aún opino que las leyes del matrimonio deberían ser como las del arrendamiento; sin embargo, yo me seinto muy seguro del mío y renovaría mi contrato una vez que expirase, aún cuando la próxima temporada fuera por noventa y nueve años.' " Derek Parker, BYRON

Un abrazote nuevoañero
abrazote de año nuevo Gaby, don't worry about marriage and age, they will happen some day.....
Ernesto: Muchas gracias por tu consejo, ya me porté bien y registré mi small pink music machine.

Hurt: Buena idea, igual y utilizo esa regla para mis asuntos!!

Dragon: Jajajajaja más bien estaba preocupada de que pasaran--qué miedo casarse!--, siento que es muy pronto, pero ya veremos.

Come on thunder!!!!

Y a todos: muchos besos y abrazos y deseos lindos con mucho cariño

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