
miércoles, noviembre 21, 2007

This week I will belong to ancient epic times
Faring forth to the age of heroes and halls

Pardon me if I write in alliterative verse and add a few kennings. (Though I frightfully fear the feat is unfeasible). And I promise I will be careful with my sword.

But the evil one ambushed old and young

death-shadow dark, and dogged them still,

lured, or lurked in the livelong night

of misty moorlands: men may say not

where the haunts of these Hell-Runes be.

I bought this book last April, and hadn't gotten around to reading it yet. Since on Friday we will go see this, I have decided to take it out today. And, in my computer-slave time, I have decided to reread the original as well. I realised that I hadn't read the whole thing...

We'll see what this runic bout brings.


PD. Soñé que me perseguía un rinoceronte, además de que había una cantidad inusual de perritos y gatitos (bebés todos). ¿Eso qué?

Etiquetas: , , ,

Q bonito Grendel!!! Me encantó!!! Deberías poner algo así como "El Club d Gabee-paint fans"!
El "Grendel" literario no lo he leído. Beowulf completo tampoco, pero aún así, no creo q Beo se haya querido besar con la mami d Grendel... o q ésta se pareciera a Angelina Jolie.
soy fans de los labels. y sí!! vayamos a ver beowulf!!!
"Rhinoceros used in the mystical schools of Northern Buddhism to signify a pratyeka buddha, a translation of the Sanskrit khadga. The nature of the rhinoceros is to be alone, walk alone, live alone, intent on its own affairs and more or less oblivious of what does not concern these.

Transferring the idea of the solitary individual intent upon his own purposes, however spiritually high, to the pratyeka buddhas gives an outline of the entire Mahayana Buddhist doctrine.

Instead of khadga, the ancient Buddhist writers frequently used eka-sringa (one-horned), likewise signifying rhinoceros with the reference to the one-pointed spiritual self-interest and spiritual selfishness, of the prayeka buddhas."

-From the Theosophy Dictionary

Eka-sringa-rishi is the rhinoceros-rishi.

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