
jueves, julio 03, 2008

Ya había visto esto rondando por ahí
Ahora he sido taggueada
(o, supongo que en español se diría que "las traigo") y ahí va.

What were you doing five years ago?
-Coming back from my first ever (and so far only) ski trip (gracias a todos mis patrocinadores), and cheering for Salzburg to win the bid for the 2010 Winter Games
-Writing my undergrad thesis
-I was a little bored, a little sad and a little lonely, and going out with someone I didn't really click with
-About to be hired by TAE for my first teaching job ever
-Taking intensive dance lessons, which included African dance and yoga

What are five things (in no particular order) in your to-do list for today?
-Have lunch
-Work out
-Find out what my bank account number is

What are five snacks you enjoy?
-zanahorias y/o pepinos con limón y chile o knorr
-Cookies! (sin pasas)
-Cheetos bolita

What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
-Build a house with secret passages and a secret room
-Take a year off work and spend it taking dance lessons (going back to Cuba comes to mind)
-Travel everywhere and stay at Small Luxury Hotels
-Buy several guitars for you-know-who
-Buy a big big area of land and turn it into an ecological reserve

What are five of your bad habits?
-Bad habits?
-Are you kidding?
-I'm perfect.
-End of discussion
-I said shhhhh!!!!!

What are five jobs you have had?
-Receptionist at a law firm
-Teacher (English, French, "baby ballet")
-Media assistant

What are five places you have lived?
-Av. Toluca, México D.F.
-Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal
-Av. Toluca otra vez
-Ahora?? Misterio... (don't want to jinx it)

Which five people do you want to tag?
-Todos los que conozco ya han sido taggueados, creo. Que lo haga quien quiera


Jajaja. Love you!! But most of all love your bad habits :P
Again, really hope to see ya soon!!!
Gabriela Hernández Merino... Ya te extrañabamos!! Claro! Hace unos siete años... you were teaching ME!! ha ha ha.
Muchos abrazos, Gabi.

P.D. ¿Conoces a alguien que pueda traducir un acta de nacimiento al francés con certificación y toda la cosa? Me mudo a Francia por un año y me piden eso para la residencia.
Hace cuatro... Ya decía yo que siete eran un montón!! JA JA JA
Jajajajaja sí, hace siete años yo seguía en la universidad, eso de siete años me hizo sentir vieja! jajajaja
y sí, creo que te puedo conseguir a alguien que te traduzca y selle tu acta, déjame averiguar y te mando un mail (mañana yo creo)
Ey! Mil gracias, Gabs! No es extremadamente urgente, pero sería bueno llevar el documento desde acá.
Muchos saludos, próxima ex-célibataire.

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