
viernes, febrero 05, 2010

A useful guide
If you don't know where you stand, at least put a number on it

Les presento la ultimate, updated snogging scale, cortesía de los libros de Georgia Nicolson, que me han hecho reír vair vair much últimamente. (Sí, me puedo dar el lujo de leer cosas así, jejejeje)
Mucho más útil que la escala rudimentaria que yo tenía en mis teen years con cuatro tristes fases (primera base, segunda base, etc.... none of which I reached then. Con esta escala, al menos habría podido decir que por lo menos conocía hasta el número 2. Y además no es una triste analogía de un deporte que no me dice nada). Era muy chistosa esa necesidad de clasificar este tipo de cosas, y también de tener un shorthand para platicar "en código" con las amigas.

Cita directa:

.5 sticky eyes (Be careful using this. I’ve still got some complete twit following me around like a seeing-eye dog.)
1 holding hands
2 arm around
3 goodnight kiss
4 kiss lasting over three minutes without a breath (What you need for this is a sad mate who’s got a watch but no boyfriend.)
4.5 hand snogging (I really don’t want to go into this. Ask Jas.)
5 open mouth kissing
6 tongues
6.5 ear snogging
6.75 neck nuzzling
7 upper body fondling – outdoors
8 upper body fondling – indoors (in bed)
Virtual number 8 (When your upper body is not actually being fondled in reality, but you know that it is in your snoggees head.)
9 below waist activity (or bwa) (Apparently this can include flashing your pants. Don’t blame me. Ask Jules.)
10 the full monty (Jas and I were in the room when Dad was watching the news and the newscaster said, “Tonight the Prime Minister has reached Number 10.” And Jas and I had a laughing spaz to end all laughing spazzes.)

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